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Everything posted by seregon

  1. Don't ask questions if you don't want to be spoilered! :phu:

  2. Haha told you it was confusing! :LOL: Jin's was a flashback (before the Island) and Sun's was a flash forward ;)

  3. Yup, the security at Wembley were fuck wits and accussed us for queue jumping when we had been there since 7.30am. Make sure you make security recognise you more than anything if there is any at all
  4. Ah, ok yeah I think I know that episode.


    Juliet <3 :happy:

  5. Haha yeah I think this is the most confusing series, have you seen the Sun and Jin episode yet?


    Yeah Desmond rules :cool:

  6. Have you got to the end yet? :p The finale is your deciding point.


    Also, if you're really RDJ, meet you in a few hours? :eyebrows:

  7. You will be possibly bankrupt when you realise you must see Muse as many times as possible and facepalm when you just realised you've bought a ticket to see them in another country. You get used to it
  8. Yeah, if you're on your own you definitely need to befriend some people incase you need the loo (sorry bathroom as you call it), usually it's easy to slip in and out the queue you just need to be sure people know you were there incase you get grief off people. As for food/drink etc.. drink plenty of water during the day and make sure you pee before going in.. the queue usually gets rowdy a couple of hours before doors open so I suggest getting that all done before that happens.
  9. Simon didn't say stop!

  10. Ooh yay your avatar works now :happy:

  11. Hey Laure, thanks for joining my Snape group :awesome:

  12. No, you will be at the front. I arrived at 8pm for the London o2 13th show and got nearish to the front just by walking down the side, it was a bit crowded though so didn't bother going too far in.
  13. Yaaaay a month late Christmas card, I win :awesome:

  14. Exactly as Laure put it, just a sectioned off area at the front of the crowd so it doesn't get too overcrowded, the golden circles they used at Wembley: Yes, depending on how strict security is they try and prevent this, some even threaten to pull you back if you run/push.. it is also really scary when there's a group of you because you tend to split up, I am a very slow runner so people tend to need to wave at me so I can spot them
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