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Everything posted by seregon

  1. I really like that Sunburn remix no idea who did it though, though out of this list had to vote for New Born the rest are quite frankly rather shit
  2. Dom was in my dream last night.. but can't really remember what happened.. he was definately talking to me about something I remember we were walking a long a river for some time and then Matt came along and he had this mad red hair in little bunches (yes, bunches) and a pink leopard print jacket haha
  3. Muse were in my dream just now but what happened is beginning to fade away... oh thats handy! Pfff. No ok Matt was definately in my dream and he was rambling as he does I think they were talking about the Wembley entrance but the one they did involved fire and explosions Meh I can't remember what happened memory fading drastically my dreams never make enough sense to put into words anyway
  4. You were a muse dream virgin before? Well that is pretty impressive I must say either that or you must have some daily wild daydreams about Matt we shouldn't know about to make you dream that
  5. Whenever I get Muse dreams like that they actually freak me out Unless it's Chris because he's the only good looking one
  6. Woah baby that it is some sexy funkyness I love it! You have just made Exo a whole lot more enjoyable now and love the kettle drums in the chorus
  7. Matt made a cameo appearance in my dream last night. I was travelling through the galaxy transforming into different people as I went along but for this I was just myself. I was sat with Matt in a futuristic diner, outside the window we could see meteorites flying past and we both had cups of coffee even though I don't drink coffee. But anyway Matt was counting with his fingers and muttering under his breath, He was wearing a red shirt and his hair was spikey. "Let me get this straight.." he says. "We have how many albums? Five?" So I tell him "No, no, Matt... four, the other is a soundtrack.." "Soundtrack?" "Yes.. hullaballoo" "Of course I know it's called hullaballoo don;t you think I know the name of my own album!?" I flushed with embarassment whilst he fiddled with his silver ring then sipped on some coffee and continued discussing what was going on with the universe as it was clearly in danger then my dream continued... infact my head still hurts from it cause it was so deep.
  8. I've had a dream like that Matt got bored during TIRO and started talking to the tech and Chris started shouting at him then he got into a harness and started flying around the crowd And this was like in some small town hall.
  9. Well my dreams are always full of nonsense and embarassing things I just find it normal eventually. I have all sorts of weird people in my dreams
  10. Why be embarassed!? They are awesome dreams when they happen!! I've had so many nothing decent for a while but funnily enough my last one was Matt teaching me how to Edit in a Mac Lab then taking us out for drinks afterwards where we met Dom who bought me a Snakebite and Black
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