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Everything posted by seregon

  1. Matt was in my dream last night we were both in the sea as these creatures kind of like mermaids and he ordered me to go find him some magical cheese. So I dive down and can't find any magical cheese so he got all stroppy with me and I said he looked cute so I kissed him on the cheek
  2. I dreamt Dom was staying in the same hotel as I was somewhere and he kept appearing at the end of the corridor peering his head round the wall looking at me giggling then running off.. I was with someone and we kept going "Dom we can see youuuu" wtf?
  3. Just realised the Sunburn remix I was talking about isn't by that Dave Seaman guy its by Timo Maas.
  4. I had some seriously fucked up dreams last night Matt was in one of them. All I remember was that it was some kind of ritual some people from this board were watching basically Matt comes out on stage but hes strapped to these chords and has blood dripping down his face, his hair is a mess but basically Blackout is playing in the background and Matt spins round with this weird aggressive look on his face it was well messed up
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