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Everything posted by seregon

  1. And a million CDs! Geek! :p

  2. Hee hee. Andy showed me his. Messy as fuck! 120 friends!? Ur liek teh popularist person on da board :p

  3. you spying on meh? :p Thanks I love that dress stupid thing won't let me use my cropped picture so you have to see my messy room in the background :(

  4. Yeah because that really compares? :wtf: *deletes message*

  5. Yeah well at least cried rhymes with died. Fall into a deep gloomy midst of depression when he died doesn't quite have the same ring to it
  6. Hahahaha can't believe Kaddy made me do this Long Live Snape And that actually wasn't me who tagged the Harry Potter thread Snape is Hot. Whoever did that I salute you
  7. Come join us in the Jimmyness you know you want too! :happy:

  8. Kaddy :LOL: Hmmm I'm a Manics noob :(

  9. I wish I was busy doing stuff :(

  10. KirkBot pwns Kev Testing's arse!

  11. hello! I've got a bit behind with the Dublin thread now theres a new one! Miss all the silly late night blabber! RECTUUUUUM!

  12. I don't want anyone seeing that :mad:

  13. Sorry I had to delete that :LOL:

  14. I just pwned your arse :p

  15. Oh like that is it. You dirty bugger :LOL:

  16. What the hell does "Fap Fap Fap" mean? :LOL:

  17. wtf are you on?

  18. what the fuck is that? :LOL:

  19. Oooh sexy photo

  20. I don't know you just look different lol. I can't talk I look different in most of my photos :/

  21. Bonjour maman! I know we haven't talked lately, I still love you. sorry you are busy lately. Bisous :kiss:

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