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Everything posted by seregon

  1. You're welcome!

  2. awww silly oh look its jill *waves*

  3. Or gone to bed :p

  4. There was cheese all on me :$

  5. Be careful I just tipped my dinner in my lap :LOL:


    *cuddles back*

  6. Glad to hear that :) well its up to you honey if enjoyment is what you find most important in having a job do you want to risk switching or would it be better for the convenience? Wait til you hear back from them first :)

  7. Love you xxx

  8. I know. I'm just very frustrated right now

  9. Haha your avvy :LOL:

  10. INORITE!? We has the best funs and best sexings!

  11. i hopes love boats doesn't get deleteds :( Don't like profiles as much

  12. oh hai i is in ur profiles leaving messages

  13. Yep the madness will never end muhaa :D

  14. You're friends with kev testing? rofl

  15. Hello Lauren dear :happy:

  16. Why the effs are you ignoring me on msn? I'm getting paranoid :mad:

  17. Off on a night out talk later xxxx :happy:

  18. Awwwwwwww :happy: Get back to work :mad::p

  19. Miss you now :( Boo boo

  20. Not me :( *snuggles*

  21. I'm bored :( jou jou xxx

  22. Yes I did get your text :) Thanks xx

  23. Sorry honey :(

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