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Everything posted by seregon

  1. Haha I might eventually see it then :happy: But yeah what's the point of enjoying two parts of a trilogy and not seeing the third? :LOL: You have good tastes in films think I may have said that before :p

  2. Oh yeah I thought it was you on Facebook! I did add you. Sorry it took me ages to reply not sure why :erm:

  3. Why don't you FUCK OFFF you're doing my head in!

  4. Seriously do you make your avatars/sigs yourself? They really are awesome

  5. Can't say I've ever tried them..

  6. "I'm not an owl!"

    "O RLY?"



  7. *dances* chicken fahijtas for tea :happy:

  8. Awww *snuggle* Town was really nice today. I hope it's like that next week and we can go chill in the park :happy:

  9. Awww :( Why are you worrying about this now? Have you been looking at threads over there or something?

  10. Pfff I was not bothered about that :phu: You were a funny one (as in a bit weird :chuckle) but you weren't a bastard, what happened? :p

  11. Crying for attention? What are you talking about? :LOL: I had plenty on Uno :phu:

  12. haha thanks. You know you're sexier though ;)


    yeah i do like to be confusing :cool:

  13. Now here is somebody I don't mind bumming
  14. Hello Eye of Harmony. Beware of sexual predators. Arm yourself with a melon and a hubcab
  15. By farting? What did you just eat exactly? I have some green beans in the fridge


    You should smell my cupboard since I bought those herbs, jesus christ :LOL:

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