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Everything posted by seregon

  1. Yes it is :) From this User here: http://angelikitten.livejournal.com/


    Hmm they aren't there though they're here: http://community.livejournal.com/random_stuffs/8977.html

  2. I'm not taking her seriously... anyway g2g

  3. Ooooh happy birthday! :)

  4. Sorry I did see your message I was a bit drunk when I read it :LOL: Thanks :happy::$

  5. Dude ANOTHER name change? You're obsessed :p

  6. Hee hee I have to get a shower, clean my room and email my proposal to my tutor when I can be bothered! *yawn*

  7. That's quite alright :eyebrows: God I'm so lazy today :(:LOL:

  8. Andy is out for a while

    Wanna cyber? :eyebrows:

  9. Well I'm still going to talk to people but I have a feeling it may turn into the history of Derby :LOL:

  10. No :LOL: I dunno why. I need to walk up to the Uni soon to pay my fee for the film society right now I have almost finished writing my Learning Agreement :happy: And I may phone some people about my project I'm not sure if I want to do it on Haunted Derby anymore!

  11. I feel happy for some reason :happy:

  12. Have a baby Depeche Mode!



  13. Boo I'm back now :happy: We had a power cut so I stayed at the pub until it worked again :stunned:

  14. Haven't seen Bittersweet Life but I've seen Amelie yeah I loved it should watch it again :happy:

  15. You are welcooome! I also did a bit of editing on your wiki :LOL:

  16. Yeah I like foreign films too.. anything dark and different. None of this genre crap

  17. I don't know you very well but as I have seen you post..


    Happy Birthday :D

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