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Everything posted by monkeyinair

  1. Meep meep! :happy: Are you coming to S'pore? D:

  2. Mind harmonising it? ;)

  3. My pussy's calling out to you

  4. It collapsed in construction, killing dozens of little bacon bits so an evil giant monkey attacked potato town and consumed everything.


    Even the sauce moat (w/o a drawbridge....) couldn't hold it back :(

  5. Soulmates!


    :LOL: No, cos I was eating mashed potatoes and I made it into a castle.

  6. We don't know unless we try I guess :happy:


    I like my mashed potatoes STIFF AND ERECT.

  7. The mantis or their tits? I don't like things floppy :(

  8. But your Mantis has really irresistable man tits :(


  10. Add me, silly Karen!


    Yeah but I've never heard any complaints about VJ from my seniors before... Except the canteen food sucks. But it seems like the canteen food sucks in every JC except for RJ (supposedly the chicken rice not bad lulz). I thought that was the case for AC as well? Your performing arts very zai worx. I'm a little miffed about CJ's cca options. Seems like I'm gonna be in band again. Not that I really mind but I was kinda hoping for a change!

  11. You're 20 right! My cousin's 21, from AC and retained one year! Haha. Maybe you know of a certain Joel Lee?


    Haha VJ was my dream school too! Since Sec 2 cos my senior got in and I just LOVE their band and wanted to be a part of VJCSB really badly. But haha, yeah, grades. My seniors says VJ is VERY stressful behind the fun, playful exterior. I've got a couple of band seniors who DSA-ed into VJ but got kicked out 3 months into their first year cos they weren't performing well academically. But man, I love to mass dance. :LOL:

  12. Haha, I hope so. But y'know unless I do well enough to go VJ, which is probs not gonna happen, I don't think I wanna go anywhere else. I think a break from the whole elitist culture could do me some good too. Haha, well, I don't wanna hope for much and end up disappointed. So I'll expect the worst and hopefully, end up pleasantly surprised!! :happy: How was AC like anyway

  13. -climbs into your pocket-



  14. Yup! I actually think I'll be like really happy there. It's just that y'know St nicks girl go cj very no face wan haha. Just gotta trash them all at As. :mad:

  15. :LOL: Going to CJC fo sure. Like srsly. But y'know I guess I don't really mine CJ either.
  16. October's always like that. :(


    I'm sure things will start looking up come November. I'm really like, ah what the hell. Doesn't matter which Junior College I go to. If I get into a good one, then yay! But if I don't, then it's my own fault but it's not the end either. I'll still be taking my A levels after all.

  17. Awful. I'm prepared to go to an average Junior College now. Exams in 3 weeks. Doomed. :(


    Hope you're doing great though :D

  18. -twiddles your nipples- Hello Mark :happy:

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