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Posts posted by lovely_rita

  1. I promised myself to delurk at the start of the new PDT. :happy:

    Ladies, thank you for managing to put a smile on my face after a crap day.


    And by all means, don't stop perving on my account!

    This was last night's status...



    Jessi xo


    Fresh blood :awesome: I mean, hello, welcome aboard ;):chuckle:


    And trust me, it takes a lot to stop the perving around 'ere :p


    Nice work :LOL:








    Hope it's a good 'un, can't wait to see your review afterwards :D


    Done :ninja: but will wait until you're back to post it :shifty:


    Oh yes a picture, I almost forgot - been down the docks too long :facepalm:




    Alright, no need to facepalm on my behalf boyo...


    Gotta dash, taking a friend to a hospital appointment in a mo - laters lovelies :kiss:

  2. Oh my fucking god! :eek: I'm going to see U2 tomorrow!!!! :stunned:




    yes :ninja:


    Woohoo! Enjoy the gig :dance:


    I'll start working on it :ninja:


    That is awesome news! :dance:


    They were, although actually they made me blush a bit at one point. :chuckle:


    Yeah well, no need to get back from there but maybe supressing it at work would be a good idea. :LOL:


    Yup, it's not so bad when I'm working with adults, but kids :noey: Just :noey:


    I'm off to bed too, night lovelies - sweet dreams :kiss:



  3. I just saw that tag :LOL: Definitely should, though :ninja:


    That one's not even mine :LOL: Great minds think alike though (and fools seldom differ :shifty:) :LOL:


    You get creeped out by my dreams? :supersad:


    And then at Wembley it will be even deeper there. :LOL:


    Well, I suppose it gets a weeks' respite from Smut Central before the return ticket back in again :awesome: Or I'll just have to try to restrain it whilst working, otherwise instructing pupils on tongue-ing and fingering will just be wrong wrong wrong on oh so many levels :eek::pope::vomit::'(



  4. Yes, you should :chuckle::stunned:

    I'm off now, I won't be here tomorrow :supersad:

    Goodnight pervypervs! :kiss:


    Nightynight - sweet dreams :eyebrows::kiss:


    Me too, I just can't wait. :awesome:


    :LOL: Oh yeah, mind is still in the gutter, huh? :chuckle:




    It's going to be :awesome:


    It's the summer holidays - my mind will be in the gutter until 6th September when all my schools go back :LOL:



  5. We weren't that bad


    I like that :ninja:


    Looking forward to Wembers more and more now ;)


    :LOL:Had better write the next bit soon I suppose :ninja:




    Not a bad way to die at the hands of a Dominic type animal.


    This is possibly the best thing ever.


    It'll be when the thread's much quieter anyhows :chuckle:


    What a way to go :yesey: Much more fun than being hit by a bus that's for sure :chuckle:


    I clearly need to add some new pictures in my bucket and put some nice filenames to them. Well okay, pervy is the perfect term for us. :chuckle: Or kin-kay. :eyebrows:




    Pervy is perv-fect :yesey: Can't think of any more right now My head is still on the movie set :ninja::chuckle:



  6. Aw, thanks! Aurora said she would give me one later :happy:




    And a tag. :LOL:


    It's a really funny interview.


    Trust muse to make us giggle.




    Haha, you beat me to it Carla :LOL:


    *stalks off to watch interview*


    :shifty: *nibbles away at neck* :ninja:


    Now that's a great idea as well! :awesome: Too bad none of the Muse guys can act. :LOL:


    You'd be watching the acting :pope::noey::chuckle:



  7. Wicked first post Aurora :happy: Good work everyone :chuckle:


    New PDT! Love the first post!


    I didn't get a tag :supersad:


    :shifty: I nabbed a spare for anyone who may need it - will donate it when thread is quieter :chuckle:


    :stunned::stunned::stunned: *cough* :stunned::stunned:


    Thinking of Tiia? :chuckle:




    This sub-genus of the dominiciae species comes but once a year...





  8. The dominiciae family are known for taking great pride in their plumage and appearance...


    They seek him here, they seek him there

    His clothes are loud, but never square

    It will make or break him so he's got to buy the best

    'Cause he's dedicated follower of fashion




    And when he does his little rounds

    Round the boutiques of London Town

    Eagerly pursuing all the latest fads and trends

    'Cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion




    Oh yes he is, oh yes he is

    He thinks he is flower (:LOL:) to be looked at

    And when he pulls his frilly nylon panties right up tight :eyebrows:

    He feels a dedicated follower of fashion




    Oh yes he is, oh yes he is

    There's one thing that he loves and that is flattery

    One week he's in polka dots leopard print, the next week he's in stripes

    'Cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion




    They seek him here, they seek him there

    In Regent Street and Leicester Square

    Everywhere the Carnabetian Army marches on

    Each one a dedicated follower of fashion




    Oh yes he is, oh yes he is

    His world is built round discotheques and parties

    This pleasure-seeking individual always looks his best

    'Cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion




    Oh yes he is, oh yes he is

    He flits from shop to shop just like a butterfly

    In matters of the cloth he is as fickle as can be

    'Cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion

    A dedicated follower of fashion!



  9. This is pretty random... but my headphones, for whatever reason, and only with my Zen, tends to remove the vocals from random parts of songs. Now why is this relevant?


    Because I can hear Chris's backup vocals in full force! :awesome:

    note that I recorded this with my laptop's internal mic through maxed out shitty headphones, so it's not gonna sound great... but CHRIS'S SINGING! :dance:




    Ooooh, that's pretty cool! My speakers in my old car used to do something similar, it's funny when it has a cool effect like that :D The best music for that was late Beatles albums, sounds quite strange with vocal lines or guitar parts missing :chuckle:


    Seriously. :stunned:

    I'd say Chris's voice was debate-ably better than Matt's in the early days.

    I'm pretty lazy right now (plus I have other stuff to do) but I want to try to record more of these. Because Chris sings a lot. Just no one ever hears him unless they have messed up headphones like mine. :awesome:


    I think there needs to be more Chris' voice all round :awesome: I like a lot of the festival footage from this year as it sounds like his vocals are much higher in the mix. I love TSP on the Absolution DVD, that's another great vocal moment :yesey:


    Hope all are well in here ;)



  10. you're a bassist? I love you :D


    Oh, ok :chuckle: - I just ploped in there to browse for a minute and I saw them mocking the bassfingerporn and was like :supersad:. But that makes sense.


    You play bass? No wai! :awesome:




    :D yep, I am indeed a bassist, although I bow down in total reverence to Mr Wolstenholme and his epic bass skills. The one thing we definitely have in common is crazy hair, mine's a bit like the early days promo shots :LOL:


    Can I take a look at them? :eyebrows:


    I'm off to our local festival tomorrow. And on Saturday I'll see Muse,can't wait. :happy: I'll take some pictures of Chris and then later post them here. With a wide description of the gig,of course.


    Feel free - they're over in PDT :LOL: Some of them aren't for the faint-hearted mind :chuckle:


    Oooh, festival talk, that's reminded me! I didn't get many good pictures at T in the Park last Friday, was too far back. Chris seemed to come out best though:




    ^ didn't intentionally decapitate him :chuckle:


    Cheers peeps, am off now - have a good evening all ;)

  11. Thank you for the pics rita! *is ironically listening to the Beatles right now*


    The PDTers are making fun of the bassfingerporn :'(


    You're welcome :happy: Was merrily screencapping away and thought they were quite nice shots :D Like your profile pic btw. And you can't beat a bit of the Beatles ;)


    Found another one in t'Bucket:



    Ahhh, the PDTers are teasing Tintti about her bassfingerporn fetish in revenge for all the random Photoshops she posted this afternoon :chuckle: I'm a bassist myself so it doesn't affect me in that way :LOL: (other than getting a fit of the giggles if I think about it in the middle of a gig) :rolleyes:

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