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Everything posted by colly

  1. I had some really bizare dreams last night. one was definitely a muse related one but i don't really remember it. stupid anestetic lol xxx
  2. I had a weird muse dream last night. I dreamt that i had seen them again at leeds festival and i was right at the front and chris invited me up on the stage and we were chatting like we had known one another for ages. Anyway when the gig finished i climbed back over the barrier and all the crowd left and there were only a few people left and i was stood at this barrier anyway and i became aware of someone stood next to me. When i turned around matt and dom where stood next to me and i got really nervous (even though i had just been on stage with them) and i asked them to sign my t-shirt which they did. I asked them where chris was and they said that he'd gone to the beer tent and started laughing because i said 'so it is true whats said on the board then chris is a beer monster!' anyway they went away into the crowd and i started to walk towards the beer tent because i was determined to get chris's autograph as well and i bumped into him on my way (pint in hand!) And we got chatting about the gig he signed my t-shirt and then the other two found us and they where asking me about this board and the stuff we talk about and dom thought the pornogenic threads where awesome and it turned out that they checked the board regulary under various names and even posted sometimes. Matt then gave me a ticket that would allow me into any muse gig for the rest of my life and i even got their mobile numbers and then they left cause kirkz was telling them they had a planet to save and then it all got a bit strange because they all got into the tardis and went to save this random planet by playing apocalypse please. or so they said. anyway i got a kiss off them all before they left.
  3. just abit lol i've woke myself up once where i was crying in a dream only to find that i was actully crying but without the tears part. freaky
  4. i once had a disturbing dream about matt and dom *shudders* well it involved them coming to my house (god only knows how they knew where i lived) and asking me to "join in their games" never again
  5. awwwww that song rules supreme!! seem them play that live at leeds festival last year that was sooo amazing i was at the front and everything. i still get goosebumps now listening to that and hysteria on the albums!!
  6. im not suprised he left if he was omly playing to five people. but i would have thought more would have turned up if they'd heard them play. even if it is only a dream!!
  7. lol im the same my sister was looking at my walkman phone y.day and she got to my muse song collection (all albums are on my phone ) so she tested me. she only had to play like a second or an opening chord of a song and i know which song it is she was gobsmacked and she's now decided i need therapy for this obsessiion!!
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