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Status Updates posted by Lasur

  1. Dear deadstar78,

    I shall admit that I have a giant self-made Manson Bomber advert poster hanging on my wall. And you shouldn't remove the glittery guitar out of your album because it isn't "popular", it's your personal decision to like the stupid thing or not.

    In my honest opinion, guitars should not be judged by the looks, but by the sound. And if he likes the futuristic, shrill and wry sound of it, let it be so.

    Yours sincerely,

    Lilly (Lasur)

  2. Hoi,

    I accept your apology. Anyways, the Glitterati is a creation of evil I would like to slap in the face IF it had a face, which it hasn't so it's really pointless from my part. However, it NOT ONLY looks gay, it SOUNDS gay. Meaning the sound of a keytar that flew down from Big Ben and got driven over by a red bus.

  3. Hello, deadstar78.

    TYI my name is Lilly, which is spelled exactly like that: L. I. Double L. Y.

    Answering your question about the Glitterati - I HATE IT.

    I like Matt's hair during the early BHAR era, spikes are aswell super flashy.

    Best regards,

    L. I. Double L. Y.

  4. MARIE!!!! Daughter of doom and menace of unbroken virgin realities! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, O UNHOLY WHORE!!! xD I <3 your pervy arse, come back to us!

  5. MARIE!!! Where are you, bitch?! I have so much to tell! x>

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