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Everything posted by Phil2211

  1. Absolute radio just mentioned that Chris O'Connell will be announcing an exclusive secret gig tomorrow morning for a big band. Could be Mumford (given its absolute) but considering they're (Muse) likely back in London with their crew?
  2. Heard the riff. Hyped. Are you expecting this to just drop on YouTube given comments on radio play and the random post from their YouTube page a few months ago asking us to stay tuned to the channel for "updates". Bit strange seeing as everything since has come through IG?
  3. 9 gigs from 2006 onwards. This will be last from T2L tour so up to date list: Sunburn x 2 Falling Down Cave Showbiz Unintended x 3 New Born x 8 Bliss x 4 Space Dementia Plug in Baby x 9 Citizen Erased x 2 Micro Cuts Feeling Good x 8 Time Is Running Out x 9 Stockholm Syndrome x 7 Interlude x 3 Hysteria x 7 Blackout x 2 Butterflies & Hurricanes x 3 Ruled by Secrecy Take a Bow x 5 Starlight x 9 Supermassive Black Hole x 9 Map of the Problematique x 7 Soldiers Poem x 2 Invincible x 4 Assassin Exo-politics City of Delusion x 2 Hoodoo x 2 Knights of Cydonia x 9 Uprising x 5 Resistance x 5 Undisclosed Desires x 5 United States of Eurasia x 4 Guiding Light x 3 Unnatural Selection x 3 MK Ultra Exogenesis pt 1: Overture x 2 Supremacy x 2 Madness x 2 Panic Station x 2 Survival x 2 Follow Me x 2 Animals x 2 Explorers Liquid State x 2 The 2nd Law: Unsustainable x 2 The 2nd Law: Isolated System x 2 Dead Star x 2 Forced In Man of Mystery Host (partial) Dracula Mountain Nishe x 2 Popcorn Helsinki Jam MK Jam Monty Jam x 2
  4. Sunburn x 2 Falling Down Cave Showbiz Unintended New Born x 7 Bliss x 3 Space Dementia Plug in Baby x 8 Citizen Erased x 2 Micro Cuts Feeling Good x 7 Time is running out x 8 Stockholm Syndrome x 7 Interlude x 3 Hysteria x 7 Butterflies & Hurricanes x 3 Blackout Ruled By Secrecy Take a Bow x 5 Starlight x8 SMBH x 8 MOTP x 8 Soldier's Poem x 2 Invincible x 5 Assassin Exo-Politics CoD x 2 Hoodoo x 2 KoC x 8 Uprising x 4 Resistance x 4 UD x 4 USoE x 3 Guiding Light x 2 Unnatural Selection x 3 MK Ultra Exo pt 1 x 2 Supremacy Madness Panic Station Survival Follow Me Animals Explorers Liquid State Unsustainable Isolated System Dead Star Forced In Man of Mystery Popcorn Nishe x 2 Helsinki Jam MK Jam Monty Jam
  5. Sunburn - x2 Cave Showbiz Unintended - x2 New Born - x6 Bliss - x3 Space Dementia Plug In Baby - x7 Citizen Erased - x2 Micro Cuts Feeling Good - x7 Time Is Running Out - x7 Stockholm Syndrome - x7 Hysteria - x7 Butterflies and Hurricanes - x3 Blackout Ruled By Secrecy Take A Bow - x5 Starlight - x7 Supermassive Black Hole - x7 Map Of The Problematique - x7 Soldier's Poem - x2 Invincible - x4 Assassin Exo-Politics City Of Delusion - x2 Hoodoo - x2 Knights of Cydonia - x7 Uprising - x3 Resistance - x3 Undisclosed Desires - x3 United States of Eurasia - x3 Guiding Light - x2 Unnatural Selection - x3 MK Ultra Exogenesis pt 1 - x2 Dead Star Forced In Nishe - x2 Man of Mystery Osaka Jam Helsinki Jam MK Jam
  6. Showbiz Sunburn x 2 Cave Showbiz Unintended x 2 Origin of Symmetry New Born x 6 Bliss x 3 Space Dementia Plug In Baby x 7 Citizen Erased x 2 Microcuts Feeling Good x 7 Absolution Time Is Running Out x 7 Stockholm Syndrome x 7 Interlude x 3 Hysteria x 7 Blackout Butterflies And Hurricanes x 3 Ruled By Secrecy Black Holes & Revelations Take A Bow x 5 Starlight x 7 Supermassive Black Hole x 7 Map Of The Problematique x 7 Soldier’s Poem x 2 Invincible x 4 Assassin Exo-Politics City of Delusion x 2 Hoodoo x 2 Knights Of Cydonia x 7 The Resistance Uprising x 3 Resistance x 3 Undisclosed Desires x 3 United States Of Eurasia x 3 Guiding Light x 2 Unnatural Selection x 3 MK Ultra Exogenesis: Symphony Pt 1 (Overture) x 2 Non-Album/ Live Specials Dead Star Nishe x 2 Forced In Popcorn Man of Mystery Osaka Jam Helsinki Jam MK Jam
  7. 1. Sunburn x 2 2. Cave 3. Showbiz 4. Unintended x 2 5. Nishe 6. New Born x 6 7. Bliss x 2 8. Space Dementia 9. Plug In Baby x 6 10. Citizen Erased 11. Microcuts 12. Feeling Good x 6 13. Dead Star 14. Time Is Running Out x 6 15. Stockholm Syndrome x 6 16. Interlude x 2 17. Hysteria x 6 18. Blackout 19. Butterflies And Hurricanes x 3 20. Take A Bow x 4 21. Starlight x 6 22. Supermassive Black Hole x 6 23. Map Of The Problematique x 6 24. Soldier’s Poem x 2 25. Invincible x 4 26. Assassin 27. Exo-Politics 28. City of Delusion x 2 29. Hoodoo x 2 30. Knights Of Cydonia x 6 31. Uprising x 2 32. Resistance x 2 33. Undisclosed Desires x 2 34. United States Of Eurasia x 2 35. Guiding Light 36. Unnatural Selection x 2 37. Exogenesis: Symphony Pt 1 (Overture)
  8. I had this exact problem when trying to book tickets for the O2. luckily someone had already bought me a sheffield ticket. Completely sympathise and considering the price of the products (and quantity!) they were selling i'm amazed they still have this poor internet site!
  9. FURY! I cannot begin to describe how underated it is. Didn't even make it onto an album even though its potentially one of the strongest tracks from the absolution era, and bar exogenesis it trumps every track on the resistance... outstanding track
  10. Showbiz Sunburn x 2 Showbiz Unintended OoS New Born x 4 Bliss x 2 Space Dementia Plug In Baby x 4 Citizen Erased Microcuts Feeling Good x 4 Absolution Time is Running out x 4 Stockholm Syndrome x 4 Hysteria x 4 Blackout Butterflies and Hurricanes x 3 Black Holes and Revelations Take A Bow x 4 Starlight x 4 Supermassive Black Hole x 4 Map of the Problematique x 4 Soldier's Poem x 2 Invincible x 4 Assassin Exo-Politics City of Delusion x 2 Hoodoo x 2 Knights of Cydonia x 4 B-sides, Bonuses and Rarities Dead Star Man of Mystery Man with the Harmonica Forced In Osaka Jam
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