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Alpine Space

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About Alpine Space

  • Birthday 06/27/1983

Personal Information

  • Biography
    I'm the friend of Reinhold Messner
  • Location
    In the middle of the Alps

Alpine Space's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



  1. I wrote directly to ticketmaster.it and they have corrected the link shortly before 10am. Should work now. I fortunately got my tickets, but it took more than 20 minutes because the site was ridiculously slow and had many loading errors when choosing the seats....
  2. Jeez, they posted the wrong presale link in the members section. It's the Milan gig presale....
  3. Need also help. As there's no name on my ticket receipt received via Email i'm a bit worried. Of course in addition to the Email, i'll bring my id card for identification. Is my name already connected with the receipt number or is there another document i'have to print. The rest of you who bought tickets with "will call", is your name on the Receipt or only the number? I bought the tickets via muse.mu and ticketstoday.com in presale if i remember correctly thank you for help!
  4. Hi, can someone tell me if i have to bring my orginal ID-card to pick up tickets at the festival ground? Or can i also use a copy of it? (I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable to bring the original one to the festival site). thank you
  5. honestly, neverending story by limahl would fit perfectly for a muse cover. both vocally and instrumentally..... listen to it: http://youtu.be/7Vf2sDgeu7k edit: hmmm...forgot how to insert embed videos. can someone help me?
  6. Hey hey mir geats super danke dir?

    I bin erst gestern aus london zrugkemen. Wor in somstig noch 2 johr endlich wieder muse konzert. Wor echt total super. Und is UFO haha genial!

  7. hei wia geatsn dir? am suntig aus london zrugkemmen, worn wembley. in juni wori san siro, sell wor muesi sogn, vun die fans her foscht geiler. obr trotzdem wors x wieder ibrtriebn mächtig. bisch a af an konzert gwesn?

  8. Hey! Yeah Val Gardena's going great..its soo quite at the mo! Second season here! Quite alot of snow but its sooo sunny at the mo! Don't get the internet to much though! Do you come here at all? jess x

  9. na, mi ruits so extrem dass i net bologna wor. die videos sein oanfoch lei wow! =(

    nojo hon die korten fir mailond a no net. ober muas mi no entscheidn entweder mailond oder in september wembley... stehticket in wembley tat i glabi neta. in mailond woas i net ob is pock. die italienische menge isch ziemlich brutal! i hoff es isch net so schnell ausverkaft

  10. i read on kussis page that you're working in val gardena...so how's it going right now? i'm from merano (it's 30 km away from bolzano). have a good day...(i hope u have it at least a little bit calm in gardena, because it's the winter-tourist location nr. 1 in south-tyrol)

  11. woooos??? du bisch net gongen...madai, bologna isch net weit und zem ischs ollm so intense :-D. cavolo, hon obr die tickets für san siro no net gekaft...bis zen schluss werisi wieder über scheiss ebay besorgn miesn. obr vielleicht gibs eh no ihre, weil außer standing kimp für mie nix in frog...geasch ah odr? booahh, bologna wor wirklich ibrtriebn...lei brutal streng und gnadenlos in dr menge. de schweine hobn obr a golden circle gmocht...shit wor also lei bei dr 2. obsperrung...

  12. naaaa du worsch bologna !!!!! *neidisch*

    und wia isch die nuie show? welches liad hot dr am bestn gegfolln?


  13. hallo bin a südtiroler... grod zrug vun bologna. es wor x wiedr ibrtriebn geil. vun wo bisch du?

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