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Status Updates posted by SuperHans

  1. and here was me thinking it was something i said :LOL:

  2. Oh far too much to fit in this small box. My life has been getting very hectic lately. And not in a good way!

  3. Aiiiiiiight? What's new?

  4. Hi!


    This is a Grifter:





    Ahh memories...

  5. Oh right damn.

    Well I just bough a massive telly so i'm going home in a minute to hopefully catch Murder She Wrote on it..


    Good times

  6. Alright mate?

  7. What the fupp!? Well you can start by paying me back the thre'pence ha'penny it cost me.

    How am I going to get my chickens to market now? Annoyed is not the word.

  8. I know! When can I expect my Grifter back??

  9. Wow - looks like you ride well! ;-)

  10. I'm around.. you just have to learn to be around when I am.

  11. Nahh i'm waaay better looking than those jokers. What about you? You're far prettier than a big question mark - put your picture up ;-)

  12. How're you doing my old? I thought i'd add you to see if you're still knocking about.

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