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Status Updates posted by I-like-cheese

  1. Nothing's happened to chat, like I said - same as ever!


    And the new job is at a new nursery. Hopefully it'll be an improvement on my last one!

  2. I have not spoken to you in AGES!! How're things m'dear? I hope everything is well!

  3. Thanks for the friend request :)

  4. Here we go m'dear - you were a challenging one to say the least! I can't draw hands :(

    Anyway, I gave it a shot:


  5. Add you? To what?

  6. I tried m'dear - you with your jaunty angle made for a rather tricky subject.


  7. I'll draw you a picture if you like - just choose one for me to copy and send it to me or something :)

  8. Hello, why the question mark...?

  9. Hello!

    Hmmm I can't say I really have ONE favourite Muse song, see it depends what mood i'm in, or which album I havent listened to in a while and stuff.

    How about you?

  10. ooh wow... upside down!

    I'm not clever enough for such exciting things :p

  11. Obi... I'm a girl! I am truely offended that you mistook me for a guy :( How very dare you!

  12. ooh maple story :)


  13. Second message! Woo go me! :D

  14. Hello... I don't know you, but that's no reason not to be friends I guess :p

  15. Hey Paul... you've not been around for ages, where have you gone? :(

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