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Wowee zowee

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Everything posted by Wowee zowee

  1. Can't put face to name:(

  2. You're never on msn no more :(

  3. And I don't take credit for Kermit :cool:

  4. I'm pretty sure you haven't! :supersad: That is an awesome name though :D

  5. I just realised I don't know your real name :LOL:

  6. You feeling any better?

  7. Yeah like Flanders "theres homer simpson, theres homer simpson"


    Yeahhhhh :D

  8. :LOL: aww, but then the early bird Americans come out to play!


    I'm pretty awesome at racing games but I don't have Motorstorm! We totally need a game where we can play eachother :cool: I'm playing Battlefield at moment shooting Americans online :D

  9. Did you win on Motorstorm?

  10. Well it does sort of seem as if you're watching porn when women's tennis is on.. :shifty:

  11. I just found out that we do have a Danish tennis player who is awesome



  12. Did you want your sig as your avatar? I did it anyway cause I was bored



  13. :LOL:!! that is the best thing EVER :D
  14. Yeah it's really good! It shows wrestling in a completely different light to what you might think of it... I've read afew autobiographies and the amount of deaths resulting in drug abuse with steriods and sleeping pill/pain killers etc... really shocking.

  15. :eek: never!




    Does that look sexual to you?! :cool:


    You totally wish you watched wrestling.


    Rob Terry is a BEAST

  16. Why does this look like that the guy lying down is giving the devil a sexual act.. and it says happy 8th birthday harry!! now that is messed up :LOL:

  17. You missed my valentines card so here it is for you <3


  18. Yeah I'd totally betray you for WALLLLLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTTTTTTT



  19. :LOL: oops I wondered why you didn't reply back :supersad:


    Saywer is SO lame! he took all the medical supplies and shagged everyone! and now he's been a moody bastard on his own crying over Juliet.


    Well if I was black I'd totally be Michael :D I miss him :( Did you like my theory on Vincent?

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