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Wowee zowee

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Everything posted by Wowee zowee

  1. I wanna gooooo


    Maybe I should just go to wimbledon and press my nose against the gates. Can you go onto Henman's Hill for free?:D

  2. Awww I bet you felt really sad :p I really want to go watch some tennis... the chances of wimbledon though are slim :supersad:

  3. It was so real! :D


    Where's Fed on this too :p



    I'm only teasing you :chuckle:

  4. No:( I've sort of skipped past it.... you can still build up your abilties doing other things.


    Yeah well who had their own game :p


  5. I thought you'd like the Jack pics :p

  6. :LOL: the explosion in the last episode with Jack was funny. Still nothing beats that awful underwater sequence from the start of 6 :vomit:
  7. That is still a film which makes me feel sick and it doesn't use any silly CGI.

  8. Even if he couldn't he could just turn into a fly and buzz them to death.

  9. First Bioshock is the best out of the two. I can't think of any other fps games as I haven't played many recently apart from battlefield. You should totally get virtua tennis 09 though as it's cheap and fun:awesome:

  10. Have you played...


    Killzone 2

    Bioshock 1/2

  11. The only way I could play was by repeating AMERICA... FUCK YEAH


  12. It made me want to chunder.

  13. don't it's embarrassing!

    this level just made me feel like what is the point... bloody Americans


  14. :LOL:That reminds me of a scene in COD5!


    I just remembered he was in Planet Terror recently which I thought was awesome!


  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2yG5fH8J6g


    I have seen The Rock but it was aaages ago! I really need to watch it again. I love a bit of Biehn :D

  16. My thoughts exactly also Kyle Reese is bad ass. Have you seen the deleted scene in T2 with Kyle?

  17. Nobody likes Terminator more! weirdo :p

  18. Alien > Aliens

    Terminator > T2


    I'm weird aren't I

  19. I just went through 60 pages of my project and corrected errors.


    Aliens won't get you a degree missy:mad: although I really want to watch a film, maybe ghostbusters 2

  20. I beat Fed with Murray earlier :phu:

  21. :LOL:! I totally want that as my ringtone.



    Heres that picture for you.

  22. Wasn't he the boss in True Lies or something? I do like Heston because of Planet of the Apes (original series) I've watched them all plus the old tv series:$ APE SHALL NEVER KILL APE

  23. Oh yeah:LOL: I might have to watch it tonight again to remind myself of other funny scenes:happy: I've read over the years certain productions were being made.. but nothing :( he did do that Masters of Horror TV series if you've heard of it.. Cigarette Burns I think one of his episodes was called, pretty good.


    I don't look like Murray at all :noey::LOL: maybe it's the hot body..clearly:shifty:

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