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Status Updates posted by lambchop

  1. A reply three years later is better than no reply at all right! I mean if you're still alive you might appreciate it and all

  2. Sharpy! Oh my god it was so many years ago! How the devil are you

  3. It's not just my phone that's a bag of crap...the flaming computer keeps freezing aswell. Apologies for my abrupt departure. xx

  4. Ginge!! My long lost ginger lover! I am good thank, but the question is, how are you? x

  5. Noob days?? have you been at the wine boy?

  6. you didn't go cos of me did you? i was just joking!

  7. I dream about lovely swaggering long haired thingys! xx

  8. Haha! that has to be one of the funniset things ive ever seen! hilarious in anyones language, not to mention thoughful. thank you ez. x

  9. Happy Birthday to you...i cant wait till your 72...xxx

  10. colplay and u2?? pfft. and you had the cheek to insult my tastes;)

  11. thank you miss/mr corp x

  12. thanks, it sure was happy!

  13. yes. are you?

  14. you paid that much for it?? jesus, they saw you coming. i'd only got halfway down the street on it when the front wheel fell off. i hd to pretend it was a trick and i meant to it.as for your chickens..ive got nice handbag you can have to put em in. altough, nt sure if you're aware of the saying, 'dont put ll your eggs in one handbag'...

  15. you're not getting it back. im sorry but it got involved in a collision with a really big person.she fucked it right up, the tyres are all bent and everything. sorry. if i can repay you, let me know

  16. aww thanks opal! how are you and mick? all going well i take it.. you loving aus? say hi to mick for me. xx

  17. well james, as im sure you are aware i am the best at stealing and riding..(bikes).

  18. i knock about ocassionally. is that you and your mate in the profile picture? you both look happy

  19. if it isnt old superhands!

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