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Everything posted by Meep

  1. :chuckle: It was a bit weird how calm the girl was in the airport too, haha.


    He aaaalmost did! He had 3 break points at 4-3 I think it was, then blew them all. FO should be quite exciting :D Gulbis, Verdasco, Ferrer all doing well on clay recently, nadal needs some challenge.

  2. :yesey:


    I liked the bit when he goes after the spotter at the airport, proper anger! And the electro music soundtrack on the final boat scene :LOL:


    Baaaaah, I really wanted gulbis to take it :indiff:

  3. "It was all personal to me." BANGBANGBANG.


    Omg :LOL:

    Genuinely terrified of pissing off liam neeson's daughter.

  4. Yeah, really shouldn't still be up while planning to work hard tomorrow :sleepy:


  5. Eeeh 5'4" ish, I wouldn't mind being taller. I think tall women are cool. Like sharapova:




    :chuckle: For this I'm grateful <3

  6. :LOL: I s'pose not. Though being quite short I'm usually the annoying one with umbrella...


    :phu: I'm not sure I trust you anymore.

  7. Defeats you? :chuckle: That's not dramatic AT ALL. Shoppers are rude though.. in Edinburgh the main shopping street runs parallel to the castle, so tourists just randomly stop in the middle of the busiest street in the world to gaze up at it :facepalm:


    Clearly persuasive! :p

  8. Lol, very brave. I haven't been shopping in aaaages.


    This exam I have: medicinal chemisty, kinetic of reactions and then basically 20 lectures worth of stuff just on molecules with carbon-metal bonds :sleepy: fml!


    I'm downloading it now, you succeeded in badgering me :p

  9. :chuckle:


    Doing anything fun tomorrow? I will be holed awaaaay in ze library once more. (And watching taken at some point :p)

  10. LOL at the sense of urgency oliver :LOL: Okay!!

  11. Nope.. I should do. Luc Besson did the fifth element <3 And I love famke janssen. Xenia onatop :awesome:

  12. Pffft your scale can't be that amazing then, sorrrry.

  13. Not as much as jonathan rhys myers, siiigh he is amazing.


    And irish, you'd like him.

  14. Try wearing a corset.


    I had a massive crush on her in bend it like beckham :LOL:

  15. I'm watching the hole atm, it's pretty funny, psycho teen angst :chuckle:

  16. :chuckle: That's a lot of awesome.


  17. Cliffhanger is genuinely amazing! :LOL: I've seen VL bring out actual hatred in people. Mainly from some of my climber friends who couldn't believe Ed Viesturs actually cameoed :chuckle:


    Ooo have fun :happy: I'm v. chilled out today :happy:

  18. :D


    How are you todaaay? I have been lolling at bill paxton's hammyness in vertical limit.

  19. My new favourite jackface:



  20. :LOL:!

    We got no new lost memes this week :(


    :chuckle: I can't even deny it, my serve sucks. You win by default, loser :phu:

  21. Hiring desmond on a boat? :wtf: Do you WANT us to get shipwrecked on the island?


    I'd dropshot you to hell :phu:

  22. It definitely is, you Stoke lot make me chunderrr.


    Can I live on your boat please? Actually, I want my own. I'd have a no football law :phu:

  23. I'm from Sheffield, I'm grittier than aaaaall of you.


    I know, "Gaawd I have a degree, where is my 30k job?". I'm happy with the degree I did as I enjoy it as a subject, plus I think it'll lead to a decent job one day. Until then you just get on with life right??


    I just can't believe that brown thing yesterday :LOL: Anyone who goes into politics is braver than me.

  24. :chuckle: Blesss :p


    I think it's getting obvious now that Cameron will still win :( Most things he says seem so abhorrent to me, but apparently it's what our country wants *shrug*


    Nick was making me laugh :LOL: "I'm from sheffield I was like, born in a factory".

  25. I reeeally was :supersad: I remember so much every semi final he made. I really believed it would be his year :supersad:

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