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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Robin's better looking ;)


    Yeah, Madness is weird in that sense, but so was Supermassive when that came out. I don't mind them trying new things as long as we get some rock songs.

  2. Yeah but Zoro is the First Mate; the best of the crew :D


    I like Madness. Took some time to grow on me but it's good lyrics, even if not riffy.

  3. I do. Bit of a fanboy for it. England, you?

  4. Cheers :D Nice to know people enjoy them, even if my camera isn't too expensive/amazing.

  5. But I think Teegs is awesome too :( Can we share?

  6. I'm not the only one who's foxy :eyebrows:

  7. Didn't expect that from the Mail. That said, the LEP copy is more detailed than theirs, even if theirs does reflect the financial disputes within India.

  8. I look forward to it.

  9. David Leigh. Guardian. Was after Dick Evans.

  10. Lets recap what we've learnt class 1) Muse don't vary their setlists enough. They are stagnant, predictable, and fans are losing that euphoria a gig would give when something really rare was played. 2) For such a predictable setlist it's hugely overpriced. £40 for the same set as always. I understand a tour having the key songs off an album, but that doesn't mean you have to play the same key songs off all the other albums too. 3) Matt's gotten lazy. Yes, it's tricky playing piano and singing, but that's what we liked - that persistance. Also, if you made a mistake it reminds us it's a LIVE show, not a recording. It doesn't have to be perfect. 4) Set Killers. Songs like Soldier's Poem are terrible. They deflate the whole atmosphere. Why play crowd pleasers when you're just going to kill the excitement and anticipation? 5) Chris. Glad he's back and over his alcoholism. MAJORLY missed. Matt's had too free a reign to write. Get some bass domination back in there. 6) Muse ARE NOT the best live band in the world, or best act in the world. A fancy light show and some silly stage props/designs do not suddenly make them the dog's bollocks. 7) The 'non hardcore' fans. How many Muse fans actually go to lots of concerts that aren't very interested? None. Either you go once, in which you should just accept you don't know some of their stuff, or you've been before/will go again and so have paid for the right to hear some OTHER BLOODY SONGS. 8) Finally, tolerance. It's fair enough people defend Muse to the hills, and it's fair enough that the banter-led criticism has been a bit heavy, but compare the size of each side; most love them, tiny minority oppose. It is NOT anti-Muse to want them to shake things up. It's trying to protect their reputation they've built. They're where they are because of the fanbase being so dedicated and their live show being so explosive and huge. I don't doubt they know this, but then, why do they fear playing older stuff? Why do majorly talented musicians claim they forgot it, or just can't do it anymore? Excuses. The final point of this is the comment "You should appreciate Muse a little bit more". If we didn't appreciate them we wouldn't have had so many meets, so many singalongs, so many trips across the UK, Europe, the US... The fact is long term or short the fans have paid for a show. If that show is no good then we have a right to criticise it, or suggest improvement. In the terms that speak to them, monetary, we are the customer. The customer is always right.
  11. Liam

    You please :happy:

  12. Liam

    I like cheese :happy:



  13. Liam

    Haha, you're made of cheese according to our conversation.


    Miss you too :(

  14. Which? Both are okay :chuckle:

  15. She's my girlfriend :phu:


    It's video or join in so... :awesome:

  16. If you're going to use her I expect video :phu:

  17. I haz TWO mistresses? :eek:

  18. Yes, but Sair has to be in on it, because she is now my mistress :awesome:

  19. My cuddles are more than okay :phu:

  20. We shall fight to the death over Sair! Or, just all have cuddles and be happy ^^

  21. Liam

    Your best mate is an utter bellpiece :) xxx

  22. Lies. You can't think :phu:

  23. Yeah, I guess I can vouch that you need practice at sucking.



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