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About shade8901

  • Birthday 07/17/1984

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Escapee (1/14)



  1. Hi! I would like to change my username. How can I do it?

  2. Bueno,otra curiosaidad extraida de una entrevista (De cuando sacaron el Origin). Atencion a la primera respuesta de Matt:LOL: What is the cheapest/most expensive/weirdest present you've ever received from a fan? Chris:I keep getting shoes trown on stage at every gig. i don't know what that's about Matt: Cheapest is sweets. Someone tried to give me their girlfriend once too. I think she was doing her head in. And someone gave me that stuff you dilute with milk to make yourself get fat, but I think they were genuinely worried. Dom: We got real nice clothes in Japan. And Chris got given a load of stuff for Alfie (his son) Matt: All the jewellery I'm wearing now is all gifts from this last tour.
  3. Otra cosica de Dom: Recalling Re:Covered where Muse performed Can't Take My Eyes Off You, Matthew Bellamy explained how Howard wanted to do this song because he could sing the "Ba DA" bits. After performing at Re:Covered and a few other performances, Howard didn't sing live again, until Supermassive Black Hole became part of the band's set. Whilst recording Absolution, he demonstrated his inability to sing in tune when the whole band had to perform vocals in Blackout together (Tom Kirk could have been singing too). The sound techs pointed out that someone was out of tune. After a couple of attempts the results were the same. To find out and solve who was singing out of tune, one person was taken out at a time and the recording was tested again, resulting in Howard not being used for vocals.
  4. Pues si,los extras del Hullabaloo son fuertes (aunque yo no me fije en quienes eran los gorrinacos:LOL: ). Yo creo que ahora deben haber cambiado,que ya no haran tantas locuras;porque si no las novias no le durarian;eso si,cada noche tendrian una diferente. Yo quiero pensar que solo sacaron las mas absolutas locuras y que luego,en la intimidad tienen dos dedos de frente;porque si no el higado de Matt va a durar dos dias...
  5. Otra cosilla encontrada: Bellamy once filmed Howard having sex with someone, Bellamy managed to catch the money shot during climax, Bellamy joked that he should upload it some day. Mu fuerte
  6. Es que yo en Hullabaloo no veo muy claro que pasa...Sera que tengo una mente poco "calenturienta";y las cosas subiditas no las interpreto...jajajaja. En serio,se que hay algo por ahi pero no logro ver quien/es son.
  7. Lo que se encuentra una por ahi... When asked, Matt once gave this advice on orgies: "It's very easy. Novelty items. It's so fucking easy. All you need is masks or hats. Soon as people put on silly hats, they loosen up a little bit. Then you need a couple of friends who are very close to each other. Then people start to bundling each other and it just goes from there. It's as simple as that. Just a bundle tickling and novelety items." Quiza alguno ya lo haya leido,yo desde luego no.
  8. Joder,que se nos va a casar!!!! Me extraña porque una vez lei por ahi que Matt decia que tienen una relacion un tanto extraña,que se peleaban mucho y que era mas bien una relacion abierta,pero bueno,de todas maneras me alegro si lo hace,siempre y cuando sea feliz...porque si no mato a esa tia!!!!! Preferiria que cambie de novia y se eche una española;asi estaria mas tiempo por nuestro pais...adema,la española cuando besa,besa de verdad.
  9. Si,llevas razon en lo de Dead Star. Tu tambien te la has comprado ? No se si me lo dices a mi o a Devo.Yo colgaria alguna fotejo,pero es que nadie cuelga ninguna suya!!!!
  10. Jajaja.Si,la verdad es que eso ayuda.Pero aun sin eso,me gusta mucho,aunque ayuda que Dead Star es una de mis canciones favoritas... Tras largos años,he conseguido una sudadera adidas classic!!!!! (El color de la mia es el de la primera,no he encontrado ninguna foto por detras en negro:p )
  11. Bueno,pues he encontrado estos videos como obra de Tom Kirk,y a mi el de Dead Star me encanta,la verdad... *Hullaballoo Disc 2 *Dead Star *Butterflies And Hurricanes *Stockholm Syndrome *Time is Running Out - USA Version *Supermassive Black Hole (Alternative Live Version)
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