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Black Mamba

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Everything posted by Black Mamba

  1. Oh mainly foundation,concealer and blusher!

  2. L'oréal or Maybelline I think..we have the most expensive stuff but not that:facepalm:

  3. Ohh lovely,while you're looking around,can you have a look at the mineral make up and how much it costs? I can't find it here:indiff:

  4. Oh you can try charity shops?

  5. You need clothes?:(

  6. Oh great,he better does the fucking cunt lol

    *squeezes back*:happy:

  7. I know :(,but you're even worse me thinks, I moan and you have tons of problems yourself:$:(

  8. Wanna see my tongue?lolol

  9. :phu:


    Perfect teeth? how do you know?lol

  10. I like your spam! TASTES GOOD

  11. Woo...now you can spam the hell out of me!

  12. Damn, we shall wait then :(

  13. No, how was it?


    I can't wait either :D

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