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Buxomflirter Queef

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Status Updates posted by Buxomflirter Queef

  1. Ha, I knew you cared about your poor upside down cat. Success :cool:

  2. It's from extras. I think.

  3. Oi I'm old school too! Hmm stroopwafels. they sell them for a ridiculous price at a store on campus.. :shifty:

  4. No reason really! Thought only Paul knew the old Dutch boardies.

  5. you are friends with leonie! You know leonie!

  6. Well I didn't know where had entered the stage of facebook friends yet you see, and I didn't want to intrude on your privacy :supersad:

  7. don't give me that face :supersad:

  8. with a passion :happy: Fine, I'll see if I've got space for one more friend :phu:

  9. I'll just stand close to you and hope the fuckers are bad at aiming :yesey:

  10. Now carefully move around the forum with my hands on my behind :'(

  11. Alas, my fox is temporarily closed for business!

  12. lies!

    If only I was more skilled in the art of gif violation your cat would go DOWN :mad:

  13. carla is looking for you.

  14. True, I'm only a wax-mistress. Alas, I have nothing to confess!

    Or do I...


  15. LAME!


    I cannot comment on whether it was a pisstake or not!

  16. You can read PMs, figure it out :p

    My lips are sealed :phu:

  17. Looking forward to it :awesome:

  18. lolol. Something painful I hope? :awesome:

  19. Ass-cracks. But backs and moustaches will do too!

  20. want to get a special Queen wax? :awesome:

  21. In limbo :p What would be more terrible than still having to listen to Muse even when you're dead :awesome:

  22. lil op je website staat ' ... Lars Leeuw on a regular base' wat volgens mij basis moet zijn :)

    Ziet er trouwens echt kei tof uit, had het nog niet eerder bekeken! :kiss:

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